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Far from dying, the coal industry is actually booming. Just look at these signs – EQ Mag Pro

In late 2021, diplomats spent hours arguing over whether or not to “phase-out” or “phase-down” coal in the last communique of the COP26 local weather change summit. Under stress from China and India, the watered-down second selection prevailed. Still, it was adequate for the United Nations to proclaim that the dirtiest gas was being “consigned […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Why India’s Falling Electricity Demand is a Worrisome Trend Amid Slowdown. Can Renewable Energy Revive it?

For the first time, electricity demand growth in India has dropped, slowing down manufacturing sector, slipping along the record drop in global coal power generation and the rise of renewables. New Delhi: At the launch of the Coal 2018 report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), director of energy markets and security Seisuke Sadamori said: […]

Karnataka Drives Green Revolution with 1.5 Lakh Annual EV Registrations – EQ