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Directorate Urban Administration and Development Issue Tender for CONSULTANCY FOR SOLAR POWER PROJECT PHASE – II FOR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, BHOPAL – EQ Mag Pro

Directorate Urban Administration and Development Issue Tender for CONSULTANCY FOR SOLAR POWER PROJECT PHASE – II FOR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, BHOPAL. For more information please see below link:

WBSEDCL issue Tender for DESITC including warranty obligation with 5 years comprehensive O&M of 5 MW – EQ

SECI Seeks Consultants for a 100 MW Solar PV Power Project with BESS at Chhattisgarh

Selection of Consultancy Firm for Owners Engineer (OE) services for 100 MW (AC) Solar PV Project (160MWp DC capacity) along with 40MW/120 MWh BESS at Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, The last date for submission of bids is March 19, 2021 Invitation of Proposals E-Procurement Notice (CONSULTING SERVICES – FIRMS SELECTION) [INDIA] [INNOVATIONS IN SOLAR POWER & HYBRID […]

WBSEDCL issue Tender for DESITC including warranty obligation with 5 years comprehensive O&M of 5 MW – EQ

Karnataka Seeks Consultancy for Implementation of 1060 MW Solar Rooftop PV systems

Karnataka Seeks Consultancy for Implementation of 1060 MW Solar Rooftop PV systems Engagement of a Consultancy Firm for Demand Aggregation and for Implementation of 1060 MW Grid Connected Solar Rooftop PV systems The last date to submit the bids is January 01, 2021 For more information please see below link:

WBSEDCL issue Tender for DESITC including warranty obligation with 5 years comprehensive O&M of 5 MW – EQ

Feasibility studies and draft projects for 11 photovoltaic mini grids in Mozambique

The Government of Mozambique has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Energy For All (Proenergia), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. The consulting services (“the Services”) include: Feasibility studies and draft projects for 11 photovoltaic mini grids, preparation of bidding documents and technical assistance during […]

WBSEDCL issue Tender for DESITC including warranty obligation with 5 years comprehensive O&M of 5 MW – EQ