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A Customised Strategy Can Take Kerala’s Power Sector Towards Its Net-Zero Goals – EQ

In Short : A customized strategy can propel Kerala’s power sector towards its net-zero goals. Tailored approaches focusing on renewable energy adoption, grid modernization, energy efficiency, and policy support are essential to achieve sustainable development and carbon neutrality in the region. In Detail : The state recorded its highest peak demand ever (5,646 MW) on […]

India’s Rooftop Revolution: 850,000 Solar Installations Achieved Under PM-Surya Ghar! – EQ

Indian cos will face resource and talent challenges towards net-zero goals: Report – EQ Mag Pro

Businesses in India continue to face significant challenges like the complexity of transformation, lack of talent and limited resources in their journey towards net-zero carbon goals, a report said on Monday. While 24 per cent cite the complexity of the required transformation, 25 per cent point to the lack of talent with expertise in implementing […]

India’s Rooftop Revolution: 850,000 Solar Installations Achieved Under PM-Surya Ghar! – EQ

530 kWp system will help the company to meet its net-zero goals by offsetting 18,346 tons of CO2 emissions – EQ Mag Pro

530 kWp system will help the company to meet its net-zero goals by offsetting 18,346 tons of CO2 emissions Our efforts are to make In-roof the most efficient solar technology. This roof-integrated solar system serves as the primary roof over Pangaea Natural Stone’s factory in the bhagru, Rajasthan, covering a total area of 35,000 square […]

India’s Rooftop Revolution: 850,000 Solar Installations Achieved Under PM-Surya Ghar! – EQ

Global hydrogen uptake to lag net-zero goals by 2050: report – EQ Mag Pro

OSLO  : Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen is crucial in curbing emissions, but it will only account for 5 per cent of the global final energy mix by 2050, falling short what is needed to meet climate goals, global energy consultancy DNV said on Monday (June 13). To meet the Paris Agreement to limit global warming […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag

An Island Paradise Offers a Cautionary Tale for Net-Zero Goals – EQ Mag Pro

The world’s busiest airline route during the pandemic has been the one-hour flight from Seoul to the resort island of Jeju, and even in the chilly winter months, the airport is packed. Outside the terminal, electric Hyundai and Renault Samsung taxis idle silently, their blue license plates identifying them as battery-powered cars. From the airport, […]

Role of prosumers in renewable energy adoption in India – EQ

Leveraging infrastructure investment to meet net-zero goals – EQ Mag Pro

Investors have critical roles to play in delivering sustainable infrastructure to address the rising risks of climate change. Developing innovative solutions can accelerate the energy transition. In November 2021, 120 world leaders representing 197 states converged in Glasgow for the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference.1 There, they discussed the next decade of climate action and […]

Role of prosumers in renewable energy adoption in India – EQ