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Breaking news : Capacity allocation under RfS for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India – EQ Mag

Breaking news : Capacity allocation under RfS for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche-II). For more information please see below link:

Breaking News : India Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Glass Imports – EQ

IMPORTANT: Link to attend the Pre-bid meeting for RfS for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche-II) – EQ Mag

Prospective bidders interested to participate in the Pre-bid meeting, who are unable to attend the Pre-bid meeting physically, can join the meeting through the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a3qD7IeFHfxf79PYzJLvKHscDZemoujQ5OVR8i6TQEL01%40thread.tacv2/1669698221326?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a24b3e19-3a1f-4c61-9f1e-cace38462ab7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225164b124-35cd-46f3-97d9-6f9cc331e98c%22%7d  

Breaking News : India Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Glass Imports – EQ

IMPORTANT: Registration for Pre-bid meeting for RfS for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India – EQ Mag

Prospective bidders interested to participate in the Pre-bid meeting for the subject tender are required to register for the meeting by intimating the names of respective participants latest by 05.12.2022, by mailing to jayansh.gaur@seci.co.in and swapnil.gandhi@seci.co.in. 

Breaking News : India Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Glass Imports – EQ

IMPORTANT: Pre-bid meeting for RfS for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche-II) – EQ Mag

With reference to the RfS issued for Selection of Solar PV Module Manufacturers for Setting up Manufacturing Capacities for High Efficiency Solar PV Modules in India under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme (Tranche-II), the pre-bid meeting has been scheduled on 06.12.2022, at 11:30 AM. The meeting will be held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister […]

Breaking News : India Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Glass Imports – EQ