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ABB India doubles solar inverter manufacturing capacity in Bengaluru

ABB India doubles solar inverter manufacturing capacity in Bengaluru


ABB India, a power and automation technology company, inaugurated a new solar inverter manufacturing facility at Nelamanagala in Bengaluru, said the company.The facility is set to double the solar inverter manufacturing capacity of the company to 2GW in a span of five months, added the company.ABB inverters manufactured at Nelamanagala help power 40% of the utility scale solar power generated in the country.

“ABB, a global leader in solar inverter technology, has also been powering solar projects across the country spanning the entire solar photovoltaic (PV) value chain, a key component of which has been our solar inverter technology, made in India,” said Sanjeev Sharma, CEO and Managing Director.“The government’s vision has provided the required catalyst and focus for clean energy and ABB is proud to partner this journey. This expansion reaffirms our commitment, innovation to cater to country-specific solutions and enhances our manufacturing presence of sixty years.”,he added.

India’s current installed solar capacity is 8GW out of which utility scale projects would comprise 6.5 GW to which ABB inverters are supplied, the company further added.In 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi set the ambitious new target of 100 GW solar capacity by 2022 under the country’s national solar mission – a five-fold increase over India’s previous 20 GW target.The Bengaluru site manufactures ABB’s PVS800 central inverter series.ABB is one of the leading global supplier of solar PV inverters.

Source:RTN Asia
Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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