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Fraunhofer ISE develops SmartCalc.CTM – New software analyzes performance losses in the production of solar modules

Fraunhofer ISE develops SmartCalc.CTM – New software analyzes performance losses in the production of solar modules


Research and industry invest a lot of know-how in the performance of solar cells. In order to profit from the efficiency advancement on cell level also on module level, the integration of solar cells must be implemented reliably and at the same time with low losses. Against this backdrop, the “Photovoltaic Modules” group at Fraunhofer ISE developed the SmartCalc.CTM software. PV module manufacturers and material manufacturers can thus optimize the design and the material combination of a PV module without the need for a prototype production.

SmartCalc.CTM is a software for the calculation of the so-called cell-to-module effects (cell to module / CTM), which arise during the integration of solar cells into solar modules. The software calculates optical losses and gains (eg, by reflection), electrical losses (eg by resistances) and geometric losses (inactive area) in solar modules. It serves as a tool for the analysis of power potentials and allows PV manufacturers to determine the impact of new materials or concepts on module performance. Through their use, the interplay of components and process steps can be optimized in such a way that the module with the best possible performance or the highest efficiency is created under the respective framework conditions.

»SmartCalc.CTM richtet sich an Modulhersteller und Anbieter von Modulmaterialien«, so Matthieu Ebert, Teamleiter »Moduleffizienz und neue Konzepte« am Fraunhofer ISE. »Unsere Software bietet einen Mehrwert, indem sie in kürzester Zeit das Zusammenspiel der Einflussfaktoren bei der Modulherstellung analysiert und klar veranschaulicht.« Die hinterlegten Modelle von SmartCalc.CTM sind detailliert und flexibel. Solarzellen, Einkapselungsmaterialien oder Modulgläser lassen sich mit der Software einfach anpassen. So können der Einfluss neuer Materialien und Komponenten auf die Moduleffizienz beurteilt und neue Technologien bewertet werden. Auch auf der Kostenseite kann die Software bei Optimierungen unterstützen, indem z. B. der Einsatz kostengünstigerer Materialien und deren Effekt auf die Leistungseffizienz der Module miteinander verglichen und bewertet werden.

The software SmartCalc.CTM is based on a model developed and published by Fraunhofer ISE since 2008 . The model takes into account a large number of influencing factors, which are determined by the physical mechanisms – Eg optics and electrics – and the respective module component – Eg solar cells, glazing or modular frame elements, which effect the change in performance. In this way, potential for improvements can be easily identified and used. Modifying the solar cells, the module materials, the structure of the module, the CTM factors change in some cases considerably. “An optimization of all factors can lead to a profit (CTM> 100%) in performance compared to the sum of all cell outputs with well-tuned materials and module concepts,” says Ebert.

SmartCalc.CTM has a user-friendly interface, the operation is explained in a manual. In addition to software licenses, the team at Fraunhofer ISE offers advice and research and development services for the analysis and optimization of the results. The software is to be continuously expanded, in order to also map future Moduldesigns.

Source: ise.fraunhofer.de


Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network


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