E2i, Enel Green Power, ERG Renew, Falck Renewables and IVPC, together with Legambiente and ANCI, today signed the Charter for Sustainable Wind Power Renewal. The goal of the document is to specify operational rules, application criteria, standards, procedures and best practices that will ensure the effectiveness and transparency of projects for the renewal of Italy’s existing wind power park in order to create a sustainability roadmap.
In Italy, some 2,000 MW of installed wind capacity is more than 10 years old and need to be upgraded. These plants are usually located in areas with particularly abundant wind resources, or “windy towns” as they are called by Italian energy research organisation RSE (Ricerca Sistema Energetico), but are now out of date and are operating at less than full efficiency. The largest industry players, together with Italian environmental association Legambiente and ANCI (the Italian Association of Municipalities), believe that Italy, which is engaged in fighting climate change at the European level, has every interest in ensuring that these areas continue to generate electricity from renewable resources. For the signatories of the Charter, the renewal of plants will improve their integration into the environment and the landscape, enabling greater enjoyment and appreciation of those “windy towns” and regions that are often cultural and tourist destinations as well as being agricultural areas.
Through the upgrading of the plants and the use of modern technology, it is possible to reduce the number of wind turbines and generate more “green” electricity without reducing installed capacity, while offering the electricity network more technical flexibility.The Charter is founded on four key principles: the protection and making the most of natural resources in existing sites; the optimal use of each territory’s resources, maximising the use of existing infrastructure; the containment and mitigation of environmental impacts at each stage of the process; and continuity and transparency in the relationship with the area, institutions and local communities.
The Charter for Sustainable Wind Power Renewal is a document open to all industry operators who want to commit to and participate with concrete proposals and suggestions, in order to make these initiatives not only feasible industrial projects, but also examples of sustainable growth.