The investment in the inter-State transmission sector in the country has been adequate to meet the requirement. All regional grids are synchronously connected and the power transmission capacity in Inter State Transmission Systems (ISTS) is adequate for smooth flow of power resulting in “One Nation – One Grid – One Frequency”.
At present, the inter-regional transmission capacity of the National Grid is about 1,12,250 MW (76,300 MW added since April, 2014). Considering the anticipated growth in generation and demand, sufficient transmission capacity has been planned in the country for evacuation of power from generating stations to the load centres including strengthening of existing transmission system.
During the year 2021-22, the Central Government has carried out following major reforms in the Transmission Sector :-
Electricity (Transmission Planning, Development and Recovery of ISTS Transmission Charges) Rules, 2021 was issued on 01.10.2021. These Rules enable introduction of General Network Access, so that power sector utilities can have easier access to electricity transmission network across the country.
Planning and approval process of ISTS was simplified. Dual consultation for ISTS planning at regional level has been done away with and powers to approve ISTS system up to Rs. 500 crores have been delegated to Central Transmission Utility and National Committee on Transmission.
Central Transmission Utility (CTU) function has been separated from POWERGRID and Central Transmission Utility of India Ltd started function as CTU w.e.f. 1st April 2022.
Standard Bidding Documents for selection of developers for ISTS project have been revised to promote ease of doing business for private developers in transmission sector, address concerns of developers on risk sharing, encourage competition in transmission, and facilitate timely completion of transmission lines. All these provisions would bring in more private investment in transmission sector.
This information was given by Shri R.K Singh, Union Minister for Power and New and Renewable Energy in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today.