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Scientists advance our understanding of structural transitions in hybrid perovskites for renewable energy generation – EQ

In Short : Scientists have made advancements in understanding the structural transitions in hybrid perovskites, a key material in renewable energy generation technologies such as solar cells. The research enhances our knowledge of the material’s behavior during phase transitions, providing insights that can be crucial for improving the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells. […]

Karnataka Unveils Ambitious Clean Mobility Policy to Drive ₹50,000 Crore Investments – EQ

Scientists Prove Space Solar Farms Work, Can Bring Clean Energy Back To Earth – EQ

UK researchers suggest the feasibility of creating affordable, lightweight space solar panels for energy generation. Scientists have been working tirelessly to find new ways to get clean energy. Their relentless pursuit has finally paid off with a ground breaking development: the deployment of solar panels in space. This innovative approach promises to revolutionise our access […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Scientists turn plastic waste into clean fuel using solar energy – EQ Mag

Researchers from Cambridge University have demonstrated that carbon dioxide can be captured from industries or the air and converted into clean fuels using only solar energy. In their peer-reviewed publication, published on Monday, the researchers detailed the development of a solar-powered reactor that can transform captured CO2 and plastic waste into sustainable fuels and other […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

Ultra-thin Molybdenum Diselenide Solar Cells Reach 12% Efficiency in Space – EQ Mag

Scientists have achieved a significant milestone in space technology as ultra-thin molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) solar cells surpass 12% efficiency. These groundbreaking solar cells, developed using molybdenum diselenide, offer improved data transmission speeds and cost competitiveness compared to traditional silicon solar cells. The space environment poses unique challenges for solar panels, necessitating the development of specialized […]

Karnataka Unveils Ambitious Clean Mobility Policy to Drive ₹50,000 Crore Investments – EQ

Sepiolite: A Natural, Non-Toxic Clay Substance that Could Enable Large-scale Perovskite Solar Energy Development – EQ Mag

Scientists have long sought to address the low stability of perovskite solar energy cells, enabling high-efficiency solar technology to move beyond the laboratory. Recently, Turkish scientists have found that a natural clay substance known as sepiolite could offer a solution to this problem. Sepiolite is a mineral with a structure similar to asbestos. Researchers from […]

Karnataka Unveils Ambitious Clean Mobility Policy to Drive ₹50,000 Crore Investments – EQ

Scientists Create Edible Rechargeable Battery that Can Be Safely Ingested – EQ Mag

How can we make batteries in medical devices safer and lessen their impact on the human body? Recently, Italian scientists have developed a completely edible and rechargeable battery that can be safely ingested. Edible electronics is an emerging field that has benefits for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases, medical treatments, and food quality monitoring. One of the […]

Karnataka Unveils Ambitious Clean Mobility Policy to Drive ₹50,000 Crore Investments – EQ

Scientists Find New Way To Make Hydrogen Directly From Seawater – EQ Mag

Almost all the world’s hydrogen currently comes from fossil fuels and its production is responsible for around 830 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. green hydrogen production processes were both costly and relied on fresh or desalinated water. electrolysers currently use expensive catalysts and consume a lot of energy and water – it […]

Nine Years Series: National Hydrogen Mission – EQ Mag

New Breakthrough in Lithium Battery Studies Finds External Magnetic Field to Inhibit Dendrite Growth – EQ Mag

Scientists, in the midst of numerous battery energy storage technology in the new era, have placed high hopes on lithium batteries, and are looking to further prolong the battery of smartphones and the driving range of EVs by improving energy density. South Korean scientists have now proposed a new electrolyte solution that increases the stability […]

A global solar transition could leave Africa in the shade -EQ

A new climate reality: Less warming, but worse impacts on the planet – EQ Mag

The most severe climate change scenarios now appear less likely, but extremes are nonetheless poised to overwhelm societies, scientists say In the not-so-distant past, scientists predicted that global temperatures would surge dramatically throughout this century, assuming that humans would rely heavily on fossil fuels for decades. But they are revising their forecasts as they track […]

Climate change is wreaking havoc in India. It needs clarity and action now

Scientists May Have Just Cracked the Code on Fast Electric Car Charging – EQ Mag Pro

We’re going to need to mine a huge amount of metals like cobalt and lithium to electrify the world’s automobiles. But things would be easier if car batteries didn’t have to be so big. To a large extent, automobile makers building the next generation of electric vehicles (EVs) are competing on range, putting big, powerful […]

Maharashtra has highest number of public EV charging stations, followed by Delhi