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MH stand alone solar light approach path at PRC paver tiles at sup asc ramgarh

Provn of covered shed with Galvalume sheet and hardstanding at SRC Aluminium door window ventilator at MH spl rep to replcmnt of tubelight at src provn of desert cooler at MH stand alone solar light approach path at PRC paver tiles at sup asc ramgarh Tender Value in Rs.: 15,36,000 For more information please see […]

MES issue Tender for Repair and Maintenance of 1 MW Solar Power Plant at Bambolim Under GE Panaji – EQ

Repair/maintenance of solar light

Repair/maintenance of old unserviceable conventional security street light, high mast light, flood light, search light, aviation light, solar light at Technical area and other certain locations and connected items under Air Force Station BKT Tender Value in Rs.: 15,00,000 For more information please see below link:

MES issue Tender for Repair and Maintenance of 1 MW Solar Power Plant at Bambolim Under GE Panaji – EQ