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Supply,Installation ,Test Commissioning and five years Comprehensive operation and maintenance of Roof Top solar systems at salem city Municipal Corporation Buildings under Salem Smart City Limited

Supply,Installation ,Test Commissioning and five years Comprehensive operation and maintenance of Roof Top solar systems at salem city Municipal Corporation Buildings under Salem Smart City Limited Tender Value in Rs.: 2 Crores 69 Lakhs For more information please see below link:

PFC Issue Tender for “Transmission system for evacuation of RE power from Raghanesda area of Gujarat – 3 GW under Phase-I” – EQ

Supply,Installation ,Test Commissioning and five years Comprehensive operation and maintenance of Roof Top solar systems at salem city Municipal Corporation Buildings under Salem Smart City Limited

Supply,Installation ,Test Commissioning and five years Comprehensive operation and maintenance of Roof Top solar systems at salem city Municipal Corporation Buildings under Salem Smart City Limited Tender Value in Rs.: 2 Crores 69 Lakhs For more information please see below link:

PFC Issue Tender for “Transmission system for evacuation of RE power from Raghanesda area of Gujarat – 3 GW under Phase-I” – EQ