TrinaBESS IntroducesLarge-scale Energy Storage Solution for German Market in Energy Storage Europe2017
TrinaBESS announced recently that the company will introduce its large-scale Energy Storage Solution‘TrinaMega’for German Market atEnergy Storage Europe 2017, held in Dusseldorf on March 14th – 16th. The event, which has always been influential to German large-scaleEnergy Storage market, affords TrinaBESSa great opportunity to introduce its new Energy Storage Solution. TrinaMegaisa modular design of thousands of lithium-ion battery cells, integrated and controlled by advanced software givingafuture-proof alternative to traditional methods by assistingtransmission, generation and distributionnetworks.
“With advanced battery technology and intelligent Battery Management System, TrinaMega has a big success in UK and Africa market. Now we are working on a Triad and Frequency Regulation project in UK and a micro-grid energy storage project in Mauritania. TrinaBESS provides turnkey solution to the project owners including the consultancy session, solution design, component survey, procurement, system integration, construction, on-site training, commissioning and the demonstration of performance.” said Frank Qi, General Manager of TrinaBESS. “We have conducted an in-depth analysis of German market and found our solution to meet the needs of this market.With more and more penetration of renewable energy in Germany, large-scale energy storage will be the next big potential market.TrinaBESS has an experienced integratedstorage solution team to work on the sophisticated nature of large-scale projects with TrinaMega.Ourhighly professional engineering team ensures the high efficiency and excellentreliability of our products.”
TrinaMega for the electric grid canprovide important benefits to customers, utilities companiesand grid networkoperators. Itcan also operate as flexible resourcesthat fulfil multiple grid assisting applicationson the generation, transmission and distribution side. TrinaMega is an energy storage solution with high power density specially designed to ensure grid stabilisation and offer an optimal response for high power and short duration energy events. TrinaBESS will be present at Energy Storage Europe 2017 in Dusseldorf from March14th – 16th, 2017, booth number 8BB28.Please stop by and visit. To learn more about TrinaBESS, please visit the TrinaBESS website www.trinaenergystorage.com. For further information on TrinaBESS or to coordinate an interview with a TrinaBESS executive at Energy Storage Europe, please contact: Nickey Zhu +86-519-85190162, chanyuan.zhu@trinagroup.com or call our local office on +49 (0) 6975 844 361