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India’s interests protected: Union Minister welcomes COP28 outcome – EQ

India’s interests protected: Union Minister welcomes COP28 outcome – EQ


In Short : The Union Minister welcomes the outcome of COP28, emphasizing the protection of India’s interests. This suggests positive developments or agreements at the climate conference that align with India’s goals and priorities, showcasing diplomatic efforts to address climate change while safeguarding national interests.

In Detail : “India welcomes the final outcome. We particularly welcome the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund. As a leading voice of the Global South, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has maintained that we cannot leave anyone behind,” Yadav told The Indian Express.

Welcoming the decisions taken at the COP28 climate meeting in Dubai, particularly the operationalisation of the loss and damage fund, Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav has said the final outcome from Dubai represented the delicate balance that needed to be struck between heightened climate action and accelerated efforts at poverty alleviation.

The 28th edition of the two-week annual climate change conference ended in Dubai last week, calling, for the first time, for a “transition away” from fossil fuels, and deciding to work together to triple the global installed capacity of renewable energy by 2030. The operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund, meant to provide help to countries trying to recover from climate disasters, and pledges of nearly US$ 800 million in contributions, were important breakthroughs achieved at the meeting.

“India welcomes the final outcome. We particularly welcome the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund. As a leading voice of the Global South, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has maintained that we cannot leave anyone behind.

“The COP28 outcomes reflect the balance achieved between the need for heightened ambition for climate change and sustainable development and poverty eradication by parties,” he said.

The Union Minister said the provisions on the transition away from fossil fuels and phase-down of coal were worded in a manner that protected India’s interests.

“The language on coal (phase-down) is a reiteration of the provision made in Glasgow (conference in 2021). As such the scope of (commitments) on coal power was not allowed to be expanded, in keeping with India’s energy security needs. There was a text introduced (at an earlier stage in the COP28 meeting) that sought to put ‘limitations on permitting new and unabated coal power generation’. This was opposed and the reference to coal power in text was limited to old agreed text from the Glasgow Climate Pact,” Yadav said.

“Introduction of the provision calling for ‘transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner’ ensures that the decision is aligned with the provisions of science and is also framed in a language ensuring climate justice and equity,” he said.

It was for the first time that a mention of fossil fuel was included in a COP decision, even though demands for incorporating a ‘phase-out’ of fossil fuels could not be agreed upon.

Yadav said developed countries were still not doing enough on their mitigation and financial commitments because of which the gap between what was being done and what was required to be done was increasing rapidly.

“It is the developed countries that have contributed to the cumulative carbon emissions predominantly. India insisted on the responsibility of the developed country parties due to their cumulative historical emissions. As such, parties need to peak and reach net zero emissions much earlier than the global goal of 2050 to allow for the development space for other countries. Therefore, the concern (expressed in the final outcome) on historical cumulative emissions is significant as it brings into focus the historical contributions by developed country parties,” he said.

Anand Gupta Editor - EQ Int'l Media Network