Rotary Club South new team installed
The new team of Rotary Club of Nagpur South, headed by president Amit Gokhale and secretary Amit Kukde, was installed at a city hotel on Friday.
Dr KS Rajan, district governor, was the chief guest. Seated on the dais were Shreevallabh Kothe, Anurita Raipure, Satish Raipure, Dhananjay Bapat and Sarita Gokhale.
In his farewell speech, outgoing president Raipure said that 750 solar panels were installed in Dharni and Melghat region in 2016 to light up many remote areas.
Kothe spoke on the activities they carried out during 2016-17 under the theme of ‘sustainability’ and also mentioned about ‘Saturday School Project’ that is close to the team’s heart.
Dr Rajesh Ballal was bestowed with the best Rotarian award while Sonali and Milind Pathak became best Rotarian couple.
Ekta and Sanket Chauhan along with Medha and Sameer Gaikwad, who were inducted into the Rotary club, were felicitated.
In his presidential speech, Gokhale highlighted on ‘Go solar — let the Sun pay for your electricity bills’, the theme of year 2017-18. He urged his team members to work hard for the success of the Rotary programmes.
Former president Sanjay Tatwawadi said about Rotary’s solar project and design of new panels. The modified built-in panels are automatic and possess a motion sensor, he said.
The panels will be functional as soon as they stop charging. This will help save on electricity and with built-in system, it would be difficult to cause any harm.