2nd Pre-Bid Meeting notification: Request for Selection (RfS) for setting up of 14 MW Solar Power Plants with 42 MWh BESS (7 MW / 21 MWh each at Leh and Kargil) under Prime Minister Development Package (PMDP)-2015
2nd Pre-Bid Meeting notification: Request for Selection (RfS) for setting up of 14 MW Solar Power Plants with 42 MWh BESS (7 MW / 21 MWh each at Leh and Kargil) under Prime Minister Development Package (PMDP)-2015.
This has reference to the RfS documents (RfS No. SECI/C&P/RfS/PMDP/LK/2020 dated 31/01/2020) regarding the setting up of 14 MW Solar Power Plants with 42 MWh BESS (7 MW / 21 MWh each at Leh and Kargil) under Prime Minister Development Package (PMDP)-2015.
In reference to the above subject matter, one more online Pre-Bid/clarification Meeting shall be organized on 10.08.2020 at 1030 Hrs. Due to current pandemic and ongoing lockdown situation on account of COVID19, the meeting shall be conducted online as per the details mentioned below:
please join the meeting at 10/8/2020, 10:30 AM, India Standard Time (UTC+5:30), by clicking on this link:
Meeting ID: m843-594-72
Dial: +1 646 769 9101 (Domestic rate) to join the conference call.
Your Meeting ID: 84359472
In order to get a list of all call-in numbers copy the following URL and paste it into your web browser’s address bar:
Prospective bidders are kindly requested to make themselves available online for the said meeting as per the above-mentioned schedule. Maximum 02 (Two) persons from the respective Bidder company are allowed to attend the Meeting.
Kindly send in their confirmation mail at sandeeprana@seci.co.in to attend the Pre-Bid meeting latest by 09.08.2020.
Bidders are required to kindly be updated through SECIs website www.seci.co.in for any further updates regarding this Tender.