Supply Erection and Commissioning of LED Based Solar Street Lights at various locations in Pithoragarh district including 10 years warrantee and AMC.
Tender documents can be obtained from the Project Office against payment of the cost of document as above on any working day from 22.01.2016 to 04.02.2016 upto 5:00 PM. Documents can also be downloaded from UREDA website (www.ureda.uk.gov.in) and in such case the tender cost must be submitted with the Technical Bid documents in the form of Bank Draft / Bankers Cheque in favour of UREDA Project, Pithoragarh payble at Pithoragarh. Offer shall be received up to 1.00 PM on 05.02.16 & Technical bids shall be opened same day at 2.00 PM. The price bid of only those tenderers who qualifey in technical bid shall be opend. Tender documents issued from office or downloaded from UREDA website will only be considered valid. Undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reason.More InformationSupply Erection and Commissioning of LED Based Solar Street Lights