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IISER, IIT researchers develop new artificial photosynthetic system to capture solar energy – EQ Mag

New Delhi : Researchers from IISER-Thiruvananthapuram and IIT-Indore have developed a new artificial light-harvesting system that can efficiently capture light for power conversion by mimicking photosynthesis, the process by which plants absorb sunlight and produce sugars. The research has been published in the prestigious ‘Royal Chemical Society – Chemical Science’ journal. According to officials, scientists […]

Jindal India Renewable Energy Forays into Battery Storage Space – EQ

IIT researchers develop new tech for charging Electric vehicles which costs half the current one

New Delhi : Researchers from various IITs have developed a new technology for charging Electric Vehicles which costs about half of the current on-board charger technology and can help to significantly reduce the cost of two-and-four-wheeler EVs. According to the team, the lab scale development has already been done at IIT (BHU) and upgradation and […]

Jindal India Renewable Energy Forays into Battery Storage Space – EQ