Abramowitz Uses Green Globe Award in Knesset to Advance a Far-Reaching Solar Agenda for Israel and the World
Israel’s national prize for climate and green energy — the Green Globe — was awarded yesterday in the Knesset to impact investor Yosef Abramowitz, a pioneer of the solar industries in Israel, Africa, the Middle East and the southeastern USA.”Abramowitz is a kind of modern prophet who spreads the solar gospel,” said the judges in awarding the prize in Israel’s Parliament. “Abramowitz is also a pioneer who actualizes the solar gospel in Israel and spreads it worldwide.”
Abramowitz, who served as a member of the Israeli delegation to the Paris Climate Conference, is marking the completion of his 10th commercial scale solar field in 10 years. He currently serves as CEO of Energiya Global Capital.In accepting the award, Abramowitz called on the Israeli government — specifically the Finance Minister and Tax Authority — to open up the solar quotas and to end the deliberate bureaucratic obstacles for citizens to put solar panels on their roofs.
Calling on Moshe Kahlon, the Finance Minister and interim Environmental Minister, to “break the monopolies of the Israel Electric Company and the tycoons,” Abramowitz claimed that to do otherwise “undermines the environment and the economic interests of the citizens.” He also called on Kahlon to appoint MK Rachel Azaria (Kulanu) to serve as Environment Minister.Abramowitz painted a vision of Israel’s energy being provided 100 percent during the day from solar by 2022, with natural gas at night, serving as a model for Africa, the Middle East and the world. “Much like we have done from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea, which is 65% solar powered during the day and will reach 100% by 2020,” said Abramowitz.
“If the solar quotas are lifted on commercial scale fields, all citizens can put solar on their roof-tops, and also 1,000 MW be set aside for the Bedouin, then we and others will commit to invest $10 billion over five years — more than gas giants Noble Energy and Delek combined, and into the periphery without greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution.”