Central Western European power volumes surge by 14% year-on-year, reach new all-time high
In December 2015, a total volume of 52.3 TWh was traded on EPEX SPOT’s Day-Ahead and Intraday power markets (December 2014: 46 TWh).
Day-Ahead markets
In December 2015, power trading on the Day-Ahead markets on EPEX SPOT (including APX markets) accounted for a total of 46,917,768 MWh December 2014: 41,207,862 MWh). The Power UK Day-Ahead market experienced already the second consecutive all-time monthly high with 4,559,383 MWh traded. Prices in Central Western Europe, connected within the Multiregional Coupling, converged 30% of the time (December 2014: 13%).
Intraday markets
On the EPEX SPOT Intraday markets (including APX), a total volume of 5,339,961 MWh was traded in December 2015 (December 2014: 4,805,522 MWh). In December, cross-border trades represented 8% of the total continuous Intraday volume in Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland. 15-minute contracts represented 9% of the volume traded on the German, Austrian and Swiss continuous Intraday markets. Details on volumes and prices are available in the enclosed monthly report on pages 3 and 4.