The state government is determined to ensure smooth power supply in the state. Due to the efforts made in the last years to increase the power availability, the state has become a surplus state in the power sector. As a result of the efforts made in the last years to increase the availability of electricity, the state has become fully self-sufficient in the field of electricity.
At present the available power capacity of the state is 22 thousand 730 megawatt. In the state, power is being supplied for 24 hours to all non-agricultural consumers including industrial, commercial and to agricultural consumers for about 10 hours. In the current Rabi season, on December 30, 2022, the maximum power demand of 17065 megawatt was successfully met, which is the highest in the history of the state.
During the year 2022-23, it is proposed by the transmission companies to complete the works of 239 circuit KM transmission lines and 3091 MVA capacity ultra high pressure sub-station, which include 6 new ultra high pressure sub-stations. Along with this, 371 km 33 KV line, 834 km 11 KV line, 31 new 33 KV sub-stations, 85 power transformers and 2405 distribution transformers will be set up in various schemes proposed by the distribution companies. Smooth utilisation of new and renewable energy sources has been ensured by completing the construction work of 12 ultra-high pressure sub-stations and 46 ultra-high pressure lines in the Green Energy Corridor in the Roadmap-2023 of self-reliant Madhya Pradesh.
In the first phase, in-house testing laboratories have been set up at Jabalpur, Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain and Gwalior to improve the quality of transformers, meters, cables etc. used in distribution infrastructure. In the second phase, the process of setting up laboratories in Satna, Chhindwara, Sagar Guna and Barwah has been started. This year, the use of latest drone technology was started in the work of top patrolling of transmission lines of the state, which will save human resources and the work of maintenance of lines will be quick and accurate. In Shri Singaji Thermal Power Project, Khandwa, unit number 1 of 600 megawatt established a record of continuous power generation from November 19, 2021 to July 10, 2022 i.e. for 233 days. The rule of first use of the first received material was implemented, so that the material expiring in the guarantee period could be used and the defects in them could be taken care of without any expenditure. This has made possible a saving of Rs. 58 crore in two years.
Reduction in specific oil consumption and heat rate in power generation
Power generation cost has the biggest impact on consumer electricity tariff. In the financial year 2019-20, the tripping in the units of the generating company’s thermal power houses was very high, due to which the generation rate was high due to increase in oil consumption. By reviewing it monthly, the number of tripping has been reduced by 25 percent in the last two years. Apart from this, due to the continuous review of the quality of coal, a decrease of 0.65 percent has been reflected in the heat rate in the last two years. Due to this, a saving of Rs. 75 crore has been possible in the last two years. The state government has not purchased expensive foreign coal in thermal power projects so that there is no increase in electricity rates.
Customer Satisfaction Efforts
Tripping has been reduced by 18 percent on ultra high pressure feeders and 6 percent on high tension feeders. Due to this, it has become possible to supply 14 percent more electricity to the consumers. Pole-based consumer indexing work has been started in the state, especially in urban areas, to solve the problem of false billing.
Interaction with public
Feedback is being taken on the actual situation of power supply by discussing with 10 consumers every day in all distribution centres of the state. In this so far 25 lakh 94 thousand 404 consumers have been interacted with, in which the percentage of satisfaction is 98.
In the adverse circumstances of Corona, a relief of about Rs. 1000 crore has been provided to all categories of electricity consumers. Bills worth Rs. 5334 crore have been waived off for 88 lakh low income consumers.
Reduction in AT and C losses of distribution companies
Aggregate Technical & Commercial losses (AT and C losses) of the state, which were 31.4% in the financial year 2019-20, reduced to 20.3% in the financial year 2021-22 due to the continuous efforts of the power distribution companies of the state and the support of the state government. This is less than the target of 33.84% set by the Government of India for the financial year 2021-22.
Proposed new schemes
Establishment of a new unit of 660 megawatt capacity is proposed by Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company at Amarkantak Thermal Power Station at a cost of Rs 4666 crore. In the smart meter scheme, about 23 lakh smart meters are proposed to be installed by the three distribution companies in the first phase. Under the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Power, Government of India, the works of the three distribution companies of the state have been approved, the total cost of which is Rs. 24 thousand 170 crore. The plan includes prepaid smart metering and system metering, works proposed for reduction of distribution losses and system strengthening and modernization.
Ease of Doing Business
For high tension connections, the system of approval of connection on online payment has been implemented by receiving online applications. The number of documents required for power connection to industries has been reduced. Chartered electrical safety engineers have been authorised to assist the consumers by implementing the system of self-certification by the consumer, doing away with the requirement of charging permission for new electrical connections up to 33 KV and periodic inspection of existing installations up to 33 KV by the electrical inspectors. Charging permission from the electrical inspector for 132 KV and above power connections has been brought under the Public Service Guarantee Act. Various electrical services provided to industries have also been brought under the Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act.
Information technology provides facilities to electricity consumers
Smart electricity apps have been developed for the consumers for applying for new connections of high and low pressure, changing name, load usage, changing profile, bill payment and complaints, self photo reading, meter relocation and permanent disconnection. Software has been developed for billing. By expanding the facility of photo meter reading through mobile app, the consumer has been given the facility to upload his reading himself along with the photo of the meter. The capacity of centralized call centers (1912) has been increased to redress complaints related to power supply in urban and rural areas. Feedback system is also in place for customer satisfaction. Efforts are made to solve the problems by making personal contact with the unsatisfied consumers. Immediate action is being taken on complaints received from newspapers, Twitter, Facebook and other social media.
Top targets in Atmanirbhar Madhya Pradesh- 2023
The construction of sub-stations and lines under the Green Energy Corridor has been completed. To ensure grid stability for utilisation of renewable energy while fulfilling RPO obligations, construction of 12 ultra high tension sub-stations and 46 related transmission lines has been completed in stipulated time.
Priority to local manufacturing in material procurement
In order to encourage the local manufacturers of the state, it was decided that in the future, a minimum of 10 percent of the total material purchased should be purchased from local manufacturers.