Photon Energy to Roll Out 4.6 MWp Solar Projects for ALDI
· Photon Energy will install solar power at 30 of the retailer’s stores and a distribution centre in NSW and Queensland, Australia
· Photon Energy Engineering Australia will design, install and commission the projects as well as provide comprehensive monitoring and O&M services
· The rooftop solution is expected to annually produce more than 6.3 GWh of electricity
Amsterdam: Photon Energy Group (WSE: PEN, the ‘Group’) announces that its subsidiary Photon Energy Engineering Australia will roll out 4.6 MWp solar projects across 30 stores and a distribution centre of the supermarket chain ALDI in New South Wales and Queensland.
“Photon Energy is very proud to be cooperating with ALDI to transform its stores into solar power generators capable of providing a large proportion of their daytime electricity consumption,” said Photon Energy’s Managing Director, Mr Michael Gartner.
Combined, the 31 installations are designed to generate more than 6.3 GWh of clean energy every year.
“Photon Energy will also provide state-of-the-art monitoring as well as operation and maintenance services to ensure the systems are highly reliable with the maximum positive impact for ALDI,” added Mr Gartner.
Photon Energy N.V. is a global solar power solutions and services company covering the entire lifecycle of solar power systems. Since its foundation in 2008 Photon Energy has built and commissioned more than 60 MWp of solar power plants across two continents and supplied the technology for many more projects. Photon Energy’s O&M division provides operations and maintenance services for over 230 MWp worldwide. Photon Energy is headquartered in Amsterdam and has offices in Europe and Australia. For more information please visit www.photonenergy.com and www.photonenergy.com.au.
ALDI Australia is a discount supermarket chain that offers high-quality products at permanently low prices. ALDI Australia opened its first store in 2001, and has expanded its store network to over 500 stores countrywide. For more information please visit www.ALDI.com.au.