EQ Magazine Special Edition for InterSolar India Nov 27-29 in Bengaluru. Opportunity for Ads / Articles / Interview / Product Report….Pls Call <+917089036000 or +919644122268>
Warm Greetings from EQ !
Happy to share that EQ is the No.1 Solar Media and Oldest in India Since 2009.
Last 10 Years is quite an interesting journey. 2019 is EQ’s 11th Year Serving the solar industry
Currently our team is working on Expo Special Editions of EQ Magazine for InterSolar India Nov 27-29 in Bengaluru
Massive circulation of EQ Magazine from its booths, registration areas, conference zone, etc..etc..etc…will be done in huge numbers
Strongly recommended is Advertising on EQ’s Daily eNewsletters or EQ’s Website or EQ’s Direct eMailers to its entire Database starting from July 2019 Onwards to get good visibility Pre-Expo.
For Reserving the Space for Advertisements or Editorial Like Press Releases, Product Report, Case studies , Articles, Interviews, etc…Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We suggest to make reservations sooner rather than later as Spaces are short of availability and also early confirmation will get you better spaces
Past EQ Magazine’s can be read at <Click The Link>
PRE-Expo Visibility
1. Hyperlinked Banner on EQ Daily eNewsletter or Website <www.EQMagPro.com>
2. Webinars or Direct Mailing to Entire Database of 100000 (Dataset Handpicked in last 11 Years)
3. Editorials like Articles, Case Study, Press Release, Interview etc in EQ Daily eNewsletter of EQ Website
4. Social Media Marketing on WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ etc…
During the Expo
1. Book Your Editorial / Ads Spaces for EQ’s REI Expo Special Magazine which will be distributed for free in huge numbers at the Expo
2. Digital Ads in forms of Banners on Daily eNewsletter, Website Banners, Direct Dedicated EDM, Social Media Marketing etc…
3. Video Interview with Top Management / Video Filming of your booth
4. Ads Space on EQ Solar Map of India Sept 2019 Edition
Post Expo Show Visibility
1. Video Interview / Video Film to be disseminated through EQ digital and social media network
2. Product Launch Coverage in EQ Print & digital follow on publications
3. Report of your booth, products, technologies etc…in EQ Print & digital follow on publications
4. Article/Product Report/Press Release/Interview In
Post Show Editions
Don’t hesitate to reach our team at Gourav Garg <gourav.garg@eqmag.net>, Jitesh Singh Chandrawat <pr@eqmag.net>, Solar Deal <solardeal@eqmag.net>
Best Regards
Anand Gupta