Macquarie’s Green Investment Bank to compete for Scottish offshore wind lease
Crown Estate Scotland has said that it has completed preparation of leasing documentation and is working with the Scottish government to finalise and formally launch Scotland’s first round of offshore wind leasing for a decade
LONDON: Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG) and Scottish offshore wind developer Renewable Infrastructure Development Group have partnered to compete in the next round of leasing for offshore wind development in Scotland, they said on Monday.
ScotWind, the next round of seabed leasing for offshore wind development off the Scottish coast, is due to be launched by Crown Estate Scotland soon.
Crown Estate Scotland has said that it has completed preparation of leasing documentation and is working with the Scottish government to finalise and formally launch Scotland’s first round of offshore wind leasing for a decade.
Macquarie Group’s GIG is an investor and developer of green infrastructure assets and has supported 16 offshore wind projects representing more than 4.5 GW of operating capacity to date.
The Renewable Infrastructure Development Group (RIDG)develops large-scale offshore wind projects.
“Together, we are answering the Scottish government’s call for new companies to enter the offshore wind market – bringing new ways of structuring and developing projects, which boosts competition, drives innovation and unlocks new sources of investment,” said RIDG’s commerical director, Mike Hay.