Solar project featuring 3.6MW of microinverters completed in China
One of the world’s largest PV systems using module-level power electronics (MLPE) has been completed in China.
Microinverter manufacturer Hoymiles confirmed completion of the 3.6MW system in Fujian, China, which it claims to be the country’s largest such project.
Hoymiles installed 6,000 of its MI-600 microinverters, 150 data transfer units and 20 AC junction across two rooftops totally 30,000 square meters.
The company has also been accredited by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). Hoymiles acquired a Witnessed Manufacturer’s Testing Certificate at the end of 2017, which allows it to test products in its own laboratory, under third-party supervision, in order to certify its products to CSA standards. Hoymiles claimed that this will streamline its supply chain process and add further rigor to its quality control.